+90 (232) 459 01 10
Ege Teta Elektronik

About Us


It has been established in Ä°ZMÄ°R since 1997 and commercial activity has started.

Today, our firm has strong, dynamic and expert staff and has TSE, CE, ISO 9001 and Trademark Registration Documents. We provide after-sales service, maintenance, troubleshooting and repair services related to our systems.

Our company has grown in a balanced and healthy way by adopting the principle of honesty since its establishment and has reached its present honor thanks to the close interest and trust of its customers. The number of systems that we have established as a company and still provide after sales service and support is over 35.000

As a consequence of our commitment to R&D work, our company has become a company that manufactures automation and systems and develops its software.

Our company follows the continuously developing technology through domestic and international fairs, sector magazines, internet, manufacturer brochures and media, educates the staff and informs the customers about the latest technology products.

Our company represents the products of many international companies such as FAAC, DITEC, NICE, GILGEN, BOON EDAM, HID and uses them in high-tech electronic devices, system solutions and automation applications.

For more information, please contact us and we will inform you that our authorized personnel are ready to give all kinds of information to the very finest details.

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